Friday, September 30, 2005

A cool new resource...

Mrs. Spectator's Coffeehouse (this link courtesy of 18th Century Reading Room) - a site for listing online resources for the 18th Century. And guess what? We're included :-) Yep, Age of Englightenment appears on her list of resources. Cool, huh?


Currently Reading: Eighteenth Century Furniture - Centuries of Style series
Also Currently Reading: Still in my Heart by Kathryn Smith

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A cool glossary for those writing American Historicals...

It's at the Colonial Williamsburg site - a rich resource with tons of great information.

Historical Glossary

If this period interests you, take some time to explore this site.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Some cool finds at the U Mich site and more...

Those of you familiar with the amazing Eighteenth Century England site at U Mich may already have found these student projects, but I hadn't seen them yet. Came across them while doing research for my ms yesterday:

Make Your Way as a Woman in Eighteenth Century England. It's really cool, because you make choices at each stage and encounter different circumstances.

Women's history is obviously popular - one of the 2002 projects was called Rebel: The Eighteenth Century Woman - a magazine style presentation in which you can take a quiz to rate your promiscuity, read about female entrepreneurs and hear first hand from a woman pirate.

While surfing the net I also found another set of links for the period - this one on a site about Jonathon Swift's Gulliver's Travels (not a book I particularly enjoyed, btw). The site is hosted by Lee Jaffe and, for those of you who liked GT, you can read it there :-) It hasn't been updated in a while, so all the links might not work, but it's still a rich resource.

There's also a Dictionary, which lists people/words from the period. Very useful.



Sunday, September 04, 2005

Something a little different

Here is something I found.  It’s a little different but it is something you can listen to while writing and gave me some other sources if I need them.  Eat Feed - Georgian England is  a podcast with an interview with food historian Gilly Lehmann.  She talks about the difference in foods from the 18th century to now and spends a great deal of time about the gender of cooks and cookbook authors of the time.  I guess cookbooks were all the rage during parts of the 18th century in England.  Anyway, this is a pretty interesting podcast although it does kind of go on after awhile.  But if you listen, Lehmann mentions several other cooks and writers like Hannah Glasse who can lead you to other great sources.